Update on your new Better membership

From Tuesday 1 April, your GO Gateshead membership becomes Better! 

If you pay by direct debit for your GO Gateshead membership or swimming lessons, the only differences you'll notice are:  

  • your GO card will become a Better card  

  • you will access leisure centres by scanning a QR code on your phone or card 

  • to join fitness classes at Birtley Leisure Centre, you'll need to pay as you go  

  • your direct debit payments will be taken by GLL, not DFC 

All direct debit customers should have already received an email from GLL to confirm that their details have been passed over. If you haven't received this email, contact GLL (opens new window)

Direct debit prices will be frozen for at least 12 months.  

However, you will have the opportunity to upgrade your membership (opens new window) to a Newcastle / Gateshead partnership membership which includes access to GLL's facilities in Newcastle as well as Gateshead.  

Pay as you go prices will be available on the Better website (opens new window) from 1 April.  


Swimming lesson customers will be contacted soon with more information on exciting changes to the programme. Find out more about Better swimming lessons. (opens new window)

There will be no changes to pool timetables initially. If timetables change in the future, customers will be notified of any changes well in advance. 

Fitness classes   

The dates and times of the current classes will remain the same, but some of the names of the classes may change slightly. If timetables change in the future, customers will be notified of any changes well in advance. 

You will be able to book classes in advance. We'll close the current booking system down at 12 noon on Monday 31 March and bookings made for classes from 1 April will be transferred so you don't miss out on your booking in advance.  

From 1 April, you will be able to book classes through the Better app or website. When you join a fitness class or other booked activity, it's essential that you scan your membership QR code when you arrive at the facility, or you may have to pay a no-show fee. Find out more about booked activities.  (opens new window)

Junior members 

Junior memberships will be available for 11-17 year olds. Junior members can only attend during Junior Gym times, which will be advertised on the Better website and app from 1 April. 

Current junior memberships will remain valid and GLL will contact them with any changes after 1 April.  

Your first visit to a Better leisure centre 

From Tuesday 1 April 2025, your GO membership card will not be compatible with the new computer systems at Blaydon, Dunston and Heworth leisure centres and Gateshead International Stadium.  

Before your first visit, please download the Better UK app. If you are unable to access the Better UK app, you can use a Better card to access the facilities - just ask at reception from 1 April.  

The facilities will accept card payments only. Cash won't be accepted. 

Children with additional needs  

Children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND) will continue to benefit from free casual swimming, gym use and fitness classes (age restrictions apply), as well as 50% discount on swimming lessons. The siblings and parents or guardians of the child will pay GLL's lowest concession price for activities.  

GLL will also enhance the offer for children with SEND by extending access to the Better leisure centres in Newcastle.  

To apply for the SEND leisure pass, families must first apply to Gateshead Council for a Max Card. The Max Card can then be taken to any of the Gateshead Better leisure centres and used as proof for eligibility for a Better card. 

Care experienced young people and foster families 

Children in our care, care experienced young people, foster carers and their families can continue to access the leisure centres in the same way as they currently do. 


Carers will continue to access facilities for free if they are there to support another customer. This could include a second carer if required. 

Find out more

You'll be contacted again soon with more information and our new GLL colleagues will be available from 7.30am to 7pm at:

  • Blaydon Leisure Centre - Thursday 20 March
  • Dunston Leisure Centre - Monday 24 March
  • Heworth Leisure Centre - Tuesday 25 March
  • Gateshead International Stadium - Thursday 27 March

They'll be happy to answer your questions, so come along to say hello.